About Oasis

A Long-Term Japan Investor
Oasis is a long-term Japan engagement investor. Oasis invests in companies that are trading substantially below their intrinsic value and works, when necessary, through engagement to increase the companies’ intrinsic and market value.
In fulfillment of our obligations under Japan’s Stewardship Code, we are committed to engaging with our voice, our vote, and all tools available to us as actively engaged shareholders, on all matters that can improve our investee companies’ long-term value, for the success of the companies and all stakeholders.
Oasis is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. As part of this commitment, Oasis proudly sponsors scholarships for qualified women to participate in board director training programs through the Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI). To date, Oasis has funded training for over 100 women, helping to strengthen Japan’s pipeline of qualified female director candidates.
Oasis is a signatory to Japan’s Stewardship Code and actively supports global and regional corporate governance initiatives. Its affiliations include the International Corporate Governance Network, the Asia Corporate Governance Association, the Japan Corporate Governance Network, the Japan Stewardship Initiative, the Japan Ministry of Environment’s ESG Dialogue Platform, and the 30% Club Japan Chapter. Oasis is also a Sustaining Donor to BDTI.
in 2002
Oasis Management Company Ltd. manages private investment funds focused on opportunities in a wide array of asset classes across countries and sectors. Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth H. Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer, with over 29 years of experience investing globally across capital structures and asset classes.
More information about Oasis is available at https://oasiscm.com